Pair Adopts 3 Children Younger Than 4 Years Old To Keep The Family From Being Separated

People who have been through adoption know that families can be created with love, and blood relations do not always mean that a child is a part of your family. With the number of children who are looking for loving families across the world, many couples choose to adopt as their primary way to create a family. Others may need to choose adoption due to an inability to have children. Either way, millions of children have benefitted from adoption and found their forever families.

Generally, when it comes to adopting, people attempt to adopt one child at a time. There are certainly some heartwarming stories of people adopting more than one child at a time, but due to the laws that surround adoption as well as the cost of it, most parents start by adopting one child at a time. Sometimes, though, people wanting to be parents go above and beyond and push for multiple adoptions to keep certain children together.

Lena and KC Currie, a same-sex couple from Sudbury, Massachusetts, must have felt like the luckiest people in the world in November of 2019 when they were able to take home three amazing brothers – Noah, Logan, and Joey. Their family had suddenly grown to 5 members, and though they knew they were going to have their hands full, they went ahead with their multiple child adoption.

The children that this loving couple brought home are biological siblings, and Lena and KC knew that they wanted to keep the boys together and allow them to grow up together.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video 🙂 

As Good Morning America reported, the Curries first became parents in 2018 when they were legally granted the chance to adopt Joey. He was only two years old at the time. GMA explained that the Curries first set their sights on parenthood in 2017, and they ended up spotting Joey at a special event held by Children’s Friend.

“We saw a picture of Joey and Children’s Friend mentioned [it] would be a good match,” Lena told the publication. “He was 18 months old at the time.”

After a while, the Curries got a phone call from the people at Children’s Friends, who mentioned that Joey’s younger brother Noah needed a family as well. Noah, who was 6-weeks-old at the time, became the second official member of the newly-formed and rapidly-growing Currie family.

“We immediately said, ‘Yes,'” KC said.

Around the same time, the couple heard about another brother, Logan, who was going to be adopted by another family. Unfortunately, the adoption wasn’t successful. Lena and KC felt as though the universe was calling out to them.

“It was our gut-feeling,” KC told GMA. “We were going to end up saying yes because keeping the brothers together was really important to us. When they’re older and have questions, they’ll have each other to lean on and experience that ride together.”

Thankfully, everything fell into place soon, and within a month, the Curries were parents to three beautiful boys. In November 2019, Lena and KC were surrounded by family and friends when Logan and Noah’s adoptions were made official at the Worcester courthouse in Massachusetts.

Lena and KC sacrificed so much in order to ensure that these three brothers can grow up together outside of the difficult foster care system, and they are now a happy family.

The boys refer to KC and Lena as “Mama” and “Mommy,” and Lena told GMA, “A lot of times Joey says, ‘Hey, Mommy-Mama’ — he’ll settle for either one.” KC said about their adoption, “It was nice to check off a box and make it true to the world,” and added, “We are their family.”

Veronica Listerud, who works as the director of adoption and family services at Children’s Friend, said that the organization was thrilled the Curries opened their hearts to all three brothers. “It’s what you want to see happen,” Listerud told GMA.”They’re a wonderful family. They’re flexible — they really understand the kids’ needs, the importance of maintaining sibling relationships and the long-term impact of that.”

Both KC and Lena are excited to be raising their sons, and look forward to everything that is coming their way as parents, including celebrating the holidays, having parties and watching the three grow up together.

In December 2019, Lena said, “It’s the first year and first holiday where it’s all permanent and true.” Adoption can be a long and sometimes uncertain process, so a permanent adoption is something to truly celebrate. KC also added, “Now we can start dreaming about grade school, sports and all those fun things.”

KC and Lena shared their story with the hope that it would inspire and encourage other families to look into adoption as well.