Children make life worth living. There is definitely a reason why the cutest videos always have baby humans and baby animals in them. When a little child starts to jump around and dance, everyone wants to stop and watch.This video is bound to make you smile. The mother and father just wanted to play guitar during dinner, but the baby twins had something else in mind.
As soon as the music started to play, the adorable girls started to dance in their chairs and move in rhythm to the beat. Judging by their amazing performance, these twins are definitely going to cause double the trouble in the future!While the video is absolutely adorable, it is not surprising that these babies would love to dance so much.
According to research, music is extremely important for young children. Music helps children figure out how to move around and express their emotions in a healthy way.
Music can also help with language learning. When you hear a song, it is easier to pick up on the intonation in the language. It also makes memorization a lot easier. This is one of the reasons why students often use music to learn a foreign language.
A study from the McMaster University found that babies who are exposed to music are more likely to smile. When these musical babies cry, they are easier to soothe than babies that do not hear music. Plus, extra music exposure is linked to babies who are more likely to explore the world around them.
Because of all of these different reasons, smart parents should expose their young children to music.
These Babies Are Going Viral
If these little girls could talk and read the research studies, they would definitely agree with the scientists. They absolutely love dancing along to their dad’s music. While they are supposed to be eating dinner, it does not look like these girls care much about the food. They would much rather jam to the guitar and have a dance party.
This heartwarming video was posted recently, but it has already started to go viral. Around the world, more than 27 million people have watched this video. When you see these girls dancing along, it is easy to see why this cute performance is so popular. With any luck, this family will end up starting their own band so that we can keep seeing these adorable girls as they grow up.Do you think that music is important for children? Let us know what you think and make sure that all of your friends see this cute video.